1. Go to the "speed guide" under options in the bit torrent client.
2. Click on "test if port forwarded properly"
3. If it is OK it will say so else it will give a link to configuring it.
4. In case u have a UTStarCom Type IV connection. Follow the below process
5. Type in the location bar and it will ask for login and password.
6. Once logged in. Go to "Advanced set up->NAT"
7. click "add" and

8. Check your IP address of your computer. It will be 192.168.1.x, where x not equal to 1 if DHCP is configured.
9.in the port start and end column copy and paste the info about "current port" given in speed guide section (2).
10. Keep the same nos for both internal and external port start and end. Save it.
11. Then go to "settings" section below "advanced setup" and do a "save/reboot"
Now check the speed test and see if the port forwarding is fine. If not, you have not followed the steps properly try again :)
hey jishnu
me havin a probs
wat to put as username/password
and i dont knw if my connection is the thing u said
pls help
does it cost buddy???????
normally the username and password are
and it works for me ..the speed little bit increased..thanks man ..now my port forwarded..iam enjoying
after clicking on nat , i encounter DMZ host... it says me to type DMZ Host IP Address... i dont get any thing after ur point 7..... plz help me out.....
hi jishnu
they say tat port forwarding is not
recomended in bsnl
if u do they wud cut ur conn.
is t true
hi jishnu
they say tat port forwarding is not
recomended in bsnl
if u do they wud cut ur conn.
is t true
Hi.. I am Using BSNL Internet Service on my ADSL UT300R2U(New Firmware) Modem...
I have enabled NAT,Firewall PPPoE Mode.....So its clear Dat i don't need 2 Dial-up 2 Connect 2 de Internet...
I have Set my DMZ Host as My IP address...
I Also Use a Zone Alarm Firewall
While Firewall On,Port Forwarding is Not Possible whereas when its OFF Everything Works Well.... I have Checked With My Firewall and allowed it 2 Trust utorrent.com(My Torrent Client) and also Tried Different methods but failed miserably.... I Do not want 2 Turn my Firewall Off and download using UTorrent...
One More Thing is.....
As Mentioned @ Portforward.com.... i do not Get Virtual Servers..... Whereas I'm supposed to get it like say... Advanced Setup>NAT>Virtual Servers... Help me get Virtual Severs Option and Port Forwarding..... I guess its not possible in my Modem.
Hi.. I am Using BSNL Internet Service on my ADSL UT300R2U(New Firmware) Modem...
I have enabled NAT,Firewall PPPoE Mode.....So its clear Dat i don't need 2 Dial-up 2 Connect 2 de Internet...
I have Set my DMZ Host as My IP address...
I Use BSNL DNS Servers
I Also Use a Zone Alarm Firewall
While Firewall On,Port Forwarding is Not Possible whereas when its OFF Everything Works Well.... I have Checked With My Firewall and allowed it 2 Trust utorrent.com(My Torrent Client) and also Tried Different methods but failed miserably.... I Do not want 2 Turn my Firewall Off and download using UTorrent...
One More Thing is.....
As Mentioned @ Portforward.com.... i do not Get Virtual Servers..... Whereas I'm supposed to get it like say... Advanced Setup>NAT>Virtual Servers... Help me get Virtual Severs Option and Port Forwarding..... I guess its not possible in my Modem.
Hi i am using UT300R2u modem. in my DSL routing in Advanced Set up--> NAT i am not getting any 'add' option at all. it asks for DMZ Host address. What i can do then??
I m using DNA-A211-i modem provided by BSNL, wen i go to i cannot see the NAT option 4 port forwarding wat shud i do plz help!!
@ ikru Login is admin and password is same admin in most cases
@Illaya: This does not cost extra, if you are operating it in 2-8AM time in Home 500C time or in unlimited plan
@Raj: Port forwarding is a setting in my modem which i have bought for an inital amount. I think it it my prerogative to use it the way i want. But i may be wrong. I am using this feature now for few years and i still have my connection intact :)
@Others: I am not sure of the configuration of other modems. May be google or some other blogs can help. And i recommend if anyone had cracked it for other modem please write a blog like me as it really helps.
hello jishnu
pls help me ..........
i want to remot desktop login to my system.I am using bsnl type4 router.
i can't login to my system through it from some where.I under stand that i must set some config: in router for RDC... my system ip is and so on.bsnl ip is dynamic.how i can set my router for RDC(remot desktop connection) to my ip... pls help
hey jishnu
Can u pls tel me how to put in those nos in the port slabs in my router? u said in ur post dat some section called "speed 2" will give us the nos but where to find this speed2?m usin bit torrent 6.2 n just want to learn how to do it?my mail id is shashwat17@yahoo.com if any thing i shud know. plss help thanks
Hi dear all please give the procedure for Port forwarding in ADSL typ-2 AN 1020-21 model. help me on this please
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