Friday, December 17, 2010

Getting Hypothecation Revoked

I went through a process of getting Hypothecation revoked from my RC in Bangalore. It turned out to be a long process to find the right process (mostly because i thought i will do it myself). The process is as follows:

1. You can download Form 35 from this site.
2. Get this filled in duplicate from the bank to which your vehicle was hypothecated.
3. Also they have to give a covering letter which mentions all the dues are cleared.
4. You have to take a copy of emission and insurance certificate.
5. Submit all of this at RTO (which can cost you Rs 100-150) or go through an agent if you do not want to go through the hassle.(to whom i paid 450)

The RTO is so crammed that my first there made it clear that it is better to go through an agent even though it was more than 60% cheaper to do it directly.

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