I got hold of an App for Nokia Symbian called
Nokia Energy Profiler, which gives a wealth of information on the power consumed and expected time at the the present rate of power consumption before which you may need to get another recharge.
I used it for another purpose to measure the signal strength of my operator. The test environment was my home at J P Nagar 7th Phase and the operator is Bharti Airtel. As the levels were different in different rooms ranging from -35dBm (Open Balcony), -47 dBm (bedroom with one wall away from open) to -51 dBm (Living room enclosed in all sides by rooms) for 2G. This was done over a 1 minute average. This is done at a height of 3-4 ft from my house which itself is 40 ft above ground level. Sadly i cannot see the tower on to which i am connected though i have enabled the cell info "on".
I also did a drive test from my office to JP Nagar 7th Phase in a car traveling at less that 40 Kmph. This was done with UMTS/ 3G Mode of operation. The screenshot shows the result between 4 min to 18 min of travel from J P Nagar 3rd Phase along the outer ring road and on the 24th main road/brigade millennium road before reaching J P Nagar 7th Phase.